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Work done in the last year of the Industrial Design Degree
at UNLP, Argentina. March - July 2018
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building toy
to fight child sedentarism


Child sedentarism

It is a global public health problem.

In addition to this, the consequences of sedentarism are seen in the difficulty of relating to other children.

The space building toy encourages the child to mobilize his whole body, collaborating in the development of gross motor skills.

Prolonged exposure 

to screens

It has a direct relationship with childhood obesity, nearsightedness, astigmatism and other visual diseases.

The rapid change of images conditions the child's mind to levels of stimuli that do not correspond to reality, causing boredom and the consequent addiction to screens.



When they play, children develop creativity and imagination, solve problems, learn to perceive and enjoy their environment and the beauty of real things.

Playing with others

Sharing with friends or family helps the child grow up in an environment where he or she feels safe.

The toy promotes collaborative play because in that way the assembly of the space becomes easier.

juguete construcción


Playing outside encourages physical exercise, fights sedentary lifestyles and helps children overcome their fears and gain self-confidence

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All parts of this toy can be modified!

The child plays and experiments with the changes in his environment.

Shadows with shapes, transparencies, shadows with color. The toy invites the child to play outdoors, to observe its environment and to connect with nature.


juguete, auto, toy, car

Let imagination run wild!

The different constructive combinations give the child the possibility to create their own worlds and resignify the space.

House, shelter, fort, wall, arch, vehicle. The possibilities are only limited by the imagination.





All textile components of the toy were made from fabrics recovered from garment factories. These discards are of new material that due to their dimensions must be thrown away.


Reusing these scraps in the manufacture of the toy reduces the discarding and the consumption of new resources. 

Once the waste has been generated, reuse is the most sustainable process as it allows subsequent use without having to invest time and resources in transforming it. What is waste for one company may be its raw material for another.

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